Local Amenities
Just looking to get away with family or friends – play dominoes, cards, have popcorn & movie night, ride bikes and visit some of the local area attractions.
King’s Inn seafood restaurant. Legendary to seafood lovers across Texas and beyond. Remains in the same family since 1945. Located right down the road from Baffin Bay Escape the menu includes fried shrimp like no other, broiled and fried fish, oysters, avocado or bombay salads & more.Call (361) 297-5265 for reservations, which is recommended. Beer is sold and wine can be brought in.
Baffin Bay Seafood Company, located at Riviera Beach just a short drive from Loyola Beach is also known for amazing seafood and steaks. (361) 297-5174 for reservations. www.BaffinBaySeafoodCo.com
Just a 15 minute drive into the town of Riviera you will find Agave Jalisco Mexican restaurant and Pepe’s Patio as well as Burger King and Dairy Queen
Things To See & Do
Hello, This is Texas
Located next to King’s Inn - carries unique gifts and specialty foods
King Ranch – Tours of the famous King Ranch run Monday through Sunday. Go to www.kingranch.com for schedule
Kaufer-Hubert Memorial Park – Public park with pier and boat launch ramp
King Ranch Saddle shop – located in Kingsville, Texas Captain King hired experienced craftsmen and began his own saddlery after the Civil War. The fame of these durable leather goods spread quickly and he began selling to outsiders. Today an wide array of King Ranch quality purses, boots, clothing and more is available here.
Texas A&M Kingsville
Naval Air Station Kingsville – hosts an air show each year, usually in March
Thanksgiving at Vattman – Thanksgiving is special at Our Lady of Consolation Church where you can enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings and none of the work. Just a short 5 minute drive from Baffin Bay Escape, Thanksgiving meals have been served here every year since 1913 except once during WWII. Dinner is served until 2 p.m. but this is an all day event with a turkey shoot, booths, bing, rafflesand a country craft store ending in a country western dance in the evening. Thanksgiving at Vattman attracts between 1500 and 2000 people each year.
L.E. Ramey golf course